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Đang truy cập: 154 Trong ngày: 247 Trong tuần: 436 Lượt truy cập: 582639 |
Mô tả
the gear atlas copco
Thông tin sản phẩm:
Tên sản phẩm: Bánh răng atlas copco
Product name:The gear atlas copco
Giá vui lòng gọi :0938.990.338 - Mr. DũngĐóng gói: Neutral packing & original
Giao hàng: 1-7 ngày làm việc.
Một số sản phẩm khác:
Model | Description | P/N |
GA11-22 | Unloading valve kit | 2901000201 |
Min pressure valve kit | 2901000600 | |
Drain valve kit | 2901071200 | |
| Min pressure valve kit | 2901021800 |
Oil stop valve kit | 2901021700 | |
Unloading valve kit | 2901021100 | |
Thermostat valve kit | 1619733300 | |
GA55-75-90C | Oil check valve kit | 2901007200 |
Check valve kit | 2901007700 | |
Min pressure valve kit | 2901021800 | |
Unloading valve kit | 2901044800 | |
Thermostat valve kit | 2901007400 | |
Oil stop valve kit | 2901108400 | |
Unloading valve kit | 2901029900 | |
GA90-250 | Test valve kit | 2906009300 |
Oil check valve kit | 2906009400 | |
Regulating valve kit | 2906009100 | |
Thermostat valve kit | 1619756000 | |
Unloading valve kit | 2906056300 | |
Connector kit | 2906057100 | |
GA22+ | Unloading valve kit | 2902016100(with blow off valve) |
Unloading valve kit | 2902016100(without blow off valve) | |
Check valve kit | 2901050301 | |
Min pressure valve kit | 2901145300 | |
Thermostat valve kit | 2901161600 | |
GA37+ | Unloading valve kit | 2901162200(with blow off valve) |
Unloading valve kit | 2901162200(without blow off valve) | |
Check valve kit | 2901050301 | |
Oil stop valve kit | 2901108401 | |
Min pressure valve kit | 2901145300 | |
Thermostat valve kit | 2901161600 | |
GA75+ | Unloading valve kit | 2901146300(with blow off valve) |
Unloading valve kit | 2901146300(without blow off valve) | |
Check valve kit | 2901050301 | |
Oil stop valve kit | 2901108401 | |
Min pressure valve kit | 2901145300 | |
Thermostat valve kit | 1622375980 |
Main products:
Services kits:unloading valve kits, Minimum pressure valve kit,Stop oil valve kit, check valve kit, thermostat valve kit and more
Valve assembly:air intake valve, thermostat valve, solenoid valve, minimum pressure valve kit, blow off valve, drain valve and more
Rubber parts: hose, coupling, elbow, anti-vibration pad, housing, belt
Sensor: temperature sensor, pressure sensor, oil level sensor
Other parts: gear wheel, controller, temperature switch, pressure switch, cleaning agent
Part No. of main products:
2901044800 2901029900 2901007600 2901146300 2901021100 2901162200 2901000201
2906056300 2901050300 2901050301 2901007700 2901021200 2906009300 2906087000
2901021700 2901021701 2901007200 2901108400 2906009400 2901000600 2901099700
2901021800 2901145300 2906009500 2906020100 2906009100 1619756000 1202586902
1619733300 1619759600 2901145300 2901145400 1622375980 2906009600 2901030100
2901084500 2901021900 1089057520 1089057578 1089057573 1089057551 1089057504
1089062110 1089062114 1089062104 1089050506 2906057100 2906057200 2906059100
2903101501 2903101601 2903101701 1614873800 1614873900 2901024600 2901009700
2901009800 2906056600 2906056700 2906009900 2906010000 2906010100 2906020300
2906020400 2906020500 2906057800 2904007000 2904107400 2904006100 1613913900
1622089500 1622001500 1092015400 1622315400 1092020200 1622660800 1621875000
1621574399 1089057533 1089057529 1089057578 1089057507 1089057534 2906904100
2906904200 2906902900 2906903100 2906907700 1621875099 2906905800 1612386900
1613692100 1613750300 1089057533 1089057564 1089057544 1089057535 1089057578
1089057528 1089057574 1089057534 1089057526 1089057511 1089057521 1089057565
1089057541 1089057551 1089057524 1089057520 1089057404 1089057549 1089057507
1089057440 1089057405 1089057400 1089057401 1622311044 1622311023 1622311024
1622311035 1622311036 1622311025 1622311026 1612386900 1613750200 2901034300
2901146300 2901145300 2906056300 2901029850 1622375980 2906009300 2906009500
2901000201 1614873800 1614973900 1622007900 1613243300 1613688000 2901021300
1613839700 2901056600 1613730600 2901007000 1613800700 2901043200 1613955900
1613984000 1614642300 2906009800 1614905400 2906056400 1614905600 1614642300
1614704800 2906020200 1614952100 2906058800 1622007900 1613872000 1619126900
1613872000 1613740700 1613740800 2901043100 1613950100 1603950300 1030097900
1089057573 1613678300 1614915500 1619756000 2901007400 2901021100 2901029850
2906009300 2906020100 2906059100 3906570962 1089057404 1089057520 1089057551
1089057578 1614942900 2205414002 2252547800 2901000201 2901006800 2901007200
2901007700 2901021701 2901021702 2901021800 2901044800 2901050300 2901074900
2901108400 2901145300 2901146300 2901162200 2904006100 1621054799 1030097900
1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799
1030097900 1621054799 1030097900 1621054799 1613610590 1613610500 1614727399
1089057403 1089057406 1089057402 1089057455 1089057470 1089057520 1089057551
1089057407 1089057449 1089057565 1089057573 1089057503 1089057400 1089057401
1089057402 1089057403 1089057404 1089057405 1089057435 1089057407 1089057440
1089057441 1089057449 1089057470 1089057574 1089057554 1089057544 1089057524
1089057565 1089057535 1089057503 1089057513 1089057523 1089057533 1089057573
1089057500 1089057510 1089057520 1089057530 1089057541 1089057511 1089057551
1089057528 1089057578 1089057526 1613689701 1613804400 1613804402 1622066200
1622066202 1089062104 1089070209 1089062119 1089062100 1089062140 1089062110
1089050506 1089062114 1089062113 1089042821 1089039226 1089039225 1900070004
1900070005 1900070006 1900070007 1900070008 1900071102 1900071101 1900071103
1900071002 1900071001 1900071012 1900071011 1900071281 1900071031 1900071041
1900071071 1900071292 1089057551 1089057578 1089057573 1089057541 1089057528
1089057533 1089057565 1089057574 1089057535 1089057544 1089057564 0574823530
1614873800 1614954000 2901107600 2906056500 0070600205 0147136403 0147140303
0147141703 1030097900 1089036250 1089039743 1089057449 1089057404 1089057407
1089057449 1089057520 1089057528 1089057533 1089057551 1089057565 1089057573
1089059021 1089062110 1089062114 1089921432 1089921433 1089057520 1089057578
1091600600 1091613300 1622001500 1091613300 1202574900 1202641400 1202804000
2252548700 2254735709 2901000000 2901001500 2901004501 2901007200 2901007400
2901007700 2901021300 2901021800 2901032600 2901034300 2901041600 2901043100
2901043200 2901044800 2901052200 2901052300 2901056602 2901074900 2901075000
2901077900 2901084001 2901085800 2901099900 2901101200 2901085800 2903087100
2903200102 2906009100 2906009200 2906009300 2906009300 2906009400 2906009500
2906009600 2906009700 2906009800 2906020000 2906020100 2906020200 2906056300
2906056400 2906056500 2906700000 2906700100 2908851400 2911001900 2911007500
2911011700 2914801200 2914807000 2914807100 2914823100 2914823200 2914825700
3214346901 3214623900 3216921404 3222028400 6611000310 0392110006 0574823135
0574823530 0574823532 0574823537 0574823541 0574823545 0574884544 0574987002
0574987803 0574991802 0575012147 0575036118 0575079146 0575040147 0663210776
0663713800 0663715000 1604132800 1613610500 1613688000 1613688401 1613689703
1613730600 1613740700 1613740800 1613800700 1613830300 1613830400 1613839700
1613881001 1613900100 1613950300 1613951500 1613954200 1613962500 1613982501
1613984000 1613984100 1613984100 1614624300 1614642300 1614704600 1614704800
1614727300 2906020200 1614727399 1614734300 1614871900 1614873800 1614873900
1614895800 1614895900 1614905000 1614922000 1614930800 1614930900 1614933000
1614942900 1614951600 1614954000 1614954300 1614955200 1614963400 1614963500
1614963800 1614967400 1614967500 1614967600 1614967700 1614988700 1614990100
1615595100 1619126900 1619279700 1619756000 1621054700 1621202700 1613950700
1613950800 1613950900 1613951000 1613951100 1613951200 1614935800 1614920000
1614918800 1614936500 1614918900 1614920100 1614677500 1614667300 1614753200
1614705300 1615541700 1615562301 1613801300 1613737300 1613782200 1613801200
1028706500 1614920000 1614959000 1614958800 1614958900 1614849600 1622024002
9095707300 1310031070 1613830300 1613830400 1028751400 1028619339 1615675400
1028721509 1613751500 1613801200 1613830400 1613836500 1613836400 1613950900
1614677500 1613751500 1613801200 1613830400 1613836500 1613836400 1613950900
1614677500 1614849600 1614918800 1614918900 1614920100 1614935800 1614936500
1614958800 1614958900 1614859000 1613801200 1613951100 1613951200 1621208500
1621483900 1621574299 1621574399 1621905000 1621905200 1621913700 1621913800
1621913900 1622024500 1622089500 1622001500 1900070125 3222307125 3222312024
3222312980 3222312981 1089057520 1089957954 1089957955 1089957960 1089057449
1089050506 1089057530 1089065903 1089057529 1089057401 1089057503 1089039743
1089057403 1901003945 1089057440 1089057404 1202679948 1089053712 1089057455
1089051712 1089958001 2254735707 2254735701 2903101601 2903101701 2903101501
2008067100 2900057200 1614873800 1614873900 1613688500 1621304103 1613858500
1613958500 1613828000 1619646704 1615605501 1615418500 2254735701 2255019613
2255019604 1622113600 2255019601 2254735712 1089059401 1089062104 1089062110
1089050506 1089062140 1089042814 1089062114 1089050510 2901021100 2906056300
2901046100 2901044800 2901000201 2906009700 2901029850 2901146300 2901006800
1619759600 2901007400 1619733300 2906907700 2901006900 1202586903 1202586902
2901044700 1613951500 1614705600 0574806515 1614945400 1614945300 1614906300
0574823545 0574823537 0574991006 1614994000 0574991115 0574987002 1614948700
1614947300 0575079513 0575040530 0575012147 0573884155 0574823521 0574806305
1614963600 1614955200 0574884153 0574823556 0574823541 0574884543 0575079146
1091600600 0574991101 2903700303 1614651802 1622007200 1613987500 1614908100
0574884543 1091600600 0574991410 1622007400 1622007500 1613901100 0575012147
0575079147 1614896100 1613954200 0574991103 0574991006 1613689101 1614996320
1614996330 1614896200 0574884516 1614948700 1614909100 1614993500 1614963800
0575036118 0574884516 0574823126 0575079137 1614905000 1614895700 1621913800
1622001800 1614664100 1614644800 1621206600 0574991105 0574991101 0574991106
0574991706 0574991704 0575012147 0575012533 1614823700 0575012464 1621913900
1614908100 1614996340 1613965599 1622089500 1614945300 1621913900 1621913700
1621913800 1614945400 1614734300 1614664100 1614644800 1621206600 1621913900
1613965599 1614990100 1621208500 1613968700 1621913900 2906021400 1202626203
1202626204 2901053800 2901053900 2901054000 2901053500 2901053600 1617707303
1617707302 1617707301 1622365900 1613902000 1616510800 1614918400 1092000072
1089057407 1621395100 1089057510 1089057526 1089057554 1089057522 1089057512
1617726900 1092000781 1092065600 1513016400 1604403500 1622369880 1622550180
2200759910 1614937600 1614909100 1614988700 1614951600 1614978800 1622089400
1613954200 1613858000 1613857900 1622018000 1622010800 1613836500 1613950800
1613950900 1614954300 1614958400 1614958000 1614783108 1614624300 1614871900
1622010600 1622010700 1622010800 1622010900 1622010500 1622010600 1622010800
1613836600 1613830300 1613830400 1028751400 9095707300 1613920100 1613836400
1613836600 1613950900 1613951000 1622101000 1614935800 1613801300 1614734200
1614866408 1614866508 1614866308 1614958400 1614738400 1622094400 1621203508
1621300701 1614938400 1614938300 1613946380 1613946382 1621853700 1621203508
1621208308 1613830300 1613830400
Atlas copco Gear Pair 9095037555
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614931100/1614931000
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622077027/16220770284
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311049/1622311050
Atlas copco Gear Set 1092021643/1092021644
Atlas copco Gear Set 1092022933/1092022934
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622004100/1622004200
Atlas copco Gear Set 1092022945/1092022946
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311045/1622311046
Atlas copco Gear Set 1092023041/1092023042
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311045/1622311046
Atlas copco Gear Set 162231128/162231127
Atlas copco Gear Set 1613844400/1613844300
Atlas copco Gear Set 1092022949/1092022950
Atlas copco Gear Set 1092022927/1092022928
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002800/1622002700
Atlas copco Gear Set 552495-95-9
Atlas copco Gear Set 5516-95-9
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002500/1622002600
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311064/1622311063
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614930100/1614930000
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311033/1622311034
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311059/1622311060
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622004000/1622003900
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311065/1622311066
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311017/1622311018
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614931200/1614931300
Atlas copco Gear Set 1613396510/1613396500
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622003500/1622003600
Atlas copco Gear Set 1613965000/1613965100
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311055/1622311056
Atlas copco Gear Set 16138110/1613817400
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311027/1622311028
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002000/1622002100
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002200/1622002300
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002400/1622002500
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002900/1622003000
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622003300/1622003400
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622003900/1622004000
Atlas copco Gear Set 162200430/1622004400
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622004500/1622004600
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622005500/1622005600
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622004700/1622004800
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622004900/1622005000
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622005100/1622005200
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622005300/1622005400
Atlas copco Gear Set 1613817400/1613818000
Atlas copco Gear Set 1613853700/1613853600
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622077029/1622077030
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614932200/1614932300
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614932500/1614932400
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002300 1622002400
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002500 /1622002600
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002700 /1622002800
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622003500 /1622003600
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311033/1622311034
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311065/1622311066
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614930800/1614930900
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614931000/1614931100
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614931200/1614931300
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614932200/1614932300
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614932400/1614932500
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614932600/1614932700
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614933000/1614933100
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614933200/1614933300
Atlas copco Gear Set 1614933600/1614933700
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622077023/1622077024
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622077027/1622077028
Atlas copco Gear Set 1613965000/1613965100
Atlas copco Gear Set 1613817400/1613818000
Atlas copco Gear Set 161389800/161388100
Atlas copco Gear Set 1613898200/1613898300
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622001900 1622002000
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002100 1622002200
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622002900 1622003000
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622005500 1622005600
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622003700 1622003800
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622003900 1622004000
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622004300 1622004400
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622005700 1622005800
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070250
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070252
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070270
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070273
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070268
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070276
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070254
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070255
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070263
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070264
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070266
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070260
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603070267
Atlas copco Gear Set 1603072620
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311025 1622311026
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311023 1622311024
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311015 1622311016
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311009 1622311010
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311035 1622311036
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311033 1622311034
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311027 1622311028
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311017 1622311018
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311041 1622311042
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311043 1622311044
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311037 1622311038
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311029 1622311030
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311045 1622311046
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311063 1622311064
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311039 1622311040
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311059 1622311060
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311055 1622311056
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311053 1622311054
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311049 1622311050
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311077 1622311078
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311065 1622311065
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311081 1622311082
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622311073 1622311074
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622369207 1622369208
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622369215 1622369216
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622369241 1622369242
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622369231 1622369232
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622369201 1622369202
Atlas copco Gear Set 1622369239 1622369240
Atlas copco Gear set 1613963600 & 1613963700
Atlas copco Gear set 1616641700 & 1616641800
Atlas copco Gear set 1613964200 & 1613964300
Atlas copco Gear Set(with axial) 1622077015/1622077016
Bản quyền thuộc Công ty TNHH Công Nghiệp Nhân Phát | ![]() ![]() | CÔNG TY TNHH CÔNG NGHIỆP NHÂN PHÁT Địa chỉ: 212/2,Âp 5, Đường 1C ,Xã XUÂN THỚI THƯỢNG,Huyện HÓC MÔN,TPHCM Điện thoại : (028) 6267 6924 - (028) 6267 6941 Hotline: 0938 990 338 Email: nhanphatvn@gmail.com Website: www.nhanphat.vn Giấy chứng nhận đăng ký doanh nghiệp số 0311535456 do Sở kế hoạch và Đầu tư Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh cấp lần đầu ngày 15/02/2012 |